Okay Lots has happened in the last little while.. Yesterday Sun June 7 we blessed Jordan and It poured so we had to eat indoors but that is okay I was prepared, the house was clean!
Ty went to the Dr. for his scout check up and is offically grounded for growing up! He is 5'6 and that is crazy!! I say no more growing!JK I hope he grows to be taller than his dad!
Funny JayCee he loves to pose for the camera
Ty thought he was a smarty pants and took a photo of Himself... (good job)
jordan is one month old and I weighed him at Ty's apt. and he weighs 10lb. 8 oz. my baby chunker!!
This is Kyley playing with all the neighbor kids the day school got out.
Now that school is out I don't quite know what to do with the kids... so hopefully we will find some fun things to do!
This is the hail that began to pile up during ONE of our rainstorms it has hailed every day at least once for almost a week. (small pile) all of our neighbors have flooded Thanks to our fabulous builder we have not! When it rains now we all watch the fountains that the drain boxes turn in to at the condo retention ponds.. they are gross brown water but very cool to watch.
and sooon to come Ty and his #1 trophy from soccer they took their division again... by a huge difference they had 42 pts and I think the next team had around 20 they are an amazing team.. no team photo though. I did not go to the game tonight (too cold and rainy and...) Ansen has been asked to try out for a competitive team as well so maybe I will be totally insane and have 2 boys on teams in the fall but if it will make them happy it is all worth it.. so soon photos of ansens tryouts! And Clint & I are going out of town for a few days so I hope it does not just pour on us while we are gone.. he still has to go to work, but Jordan and I are planning at least a walk around Temple Square! (we are going to enjoy the big town SLC) it is AFS food show and they put on a few fun things... so I am excited to just get away.. we haven't for a while.
That will be fun to get away! I'm glad you guys aren't flooding, that would be horrible! I can't believe how big everyone is getting. Tyler is officially taller than me! :)
I know how you feel Clark is almost taller than me and I am 5'8". I heard about the storms. How was your vacation? Steph
I can't believe Jordon is a month old already. And Tyler is getting sooooo tall. Kyley looks so grown up too. Time flies way too fast.
p.s. cute background! I just noticed our blog back grounds are the same. 'great minds think alike'. Delirous ones too.
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