Okay to start out... Jordan is sleeping and I have so much to do I do not know where to start so yes, here I sit... Tyler, Clint, and now Ansen are all at Camp Bartlett for Scout camp I hope they are all safe and having fun. So a run down on the photos and what we've been up to-
Kyley has been in a 4-H group these past few weeks... she has done sewing and cooking... all the things that she cooks have been eaten too fast for me to take pics.. but the sewing has been very fun for her she has learned a lot.. Thanks Shanae!!
they did play MUCH better than last year.
It was fun watching I do love watching tyler play and I am very much looking forward to Ansen starting his season!
with this is a sleigh kit...
and sticking with the whole
Socks, socks and more socks...
so she came bringing 63 pairs of socks and the total bill for all this (that of course Grandma footed yes, pun intended!!!) 10 bucks! we love the sock factory!