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Monday, June 14, 2010

Ansen soccer

GO CATS!!! they have improved sooo much this season.. Love watching and I am excited for next season already! Probably because it is the only one! I have not had a single season for a while so Looking forward to concentrating on one child expecailly ansen..Gotta love that kid!


Where do they learn this stuff?

so my boys have been singing lately.. a mix of Scripture Power.. which of course I love. and then they have begun to sing...Yo Ho Yo Ho a pirates life for me.. we schwab the deck and do everything else and make the people go home...
Of course those are not the words but in thier mind they are.. LOVE it! then they say arge... and throw their hats (pirate of course) in the air.. LOL it is so fun to watch them all play together and the summer so far has not been too bad (yet)
Happy kids..
Cheesin' it for the camera...

reaching for the OUTSIDE!! He loves to be outside.. side, side, side..
and he loves loves to see the cows... so hopefully this week will be fun.. we are going to the zoo and other fun outside things... hopefully I don't go crazy!
My birthday brownies...yes I turned 34 at the beginning of the month and I got new bedding.. and I love how it makes my bedroom look!

Tuesday, June 1, 2010



Poopy Memorial Day!!

Okay pictures were supposed to be at the end.. but I typed first and I am blog retarded so here they are first and the story at the end...

getting ready to shoot guns...
Love looking at the cows..

the poop made me fall.....read below to understand.. notice the smile and the shoes..(GROSS!!!)
the pics just don't do it justice but it was quite funny! his legs took some scrubbing to come clean... and the shirt.. well he just got a new farm shirt.. and the shorts.. Ansen said " why does he have to wear MY clothes?" yes they are ansens shorts.. sorry we will go shopping. (but they did come clean)

Okay first thing...

Memorial day... I have to admit I did not even go to a cemetary.. which should make me feel a bit guilty seeing as how I really have lost quite a few important people in my life.. my mom and close grandparents and my older brother just to mention a few.. but I have so many more living fabulous family that we spent time with creating memories yesterday, and I think they would be proud of me creating memories instead of being meloncholly about them being gone, and wandering cemetaries.. (sorry grandma, she was the cemetary QUEEN!!! every memorial day we would spend ALL day driving around to all of them to eithor look or place flowers...the best part of going to do that with grandma was LUNCH, of course.) I have always said, my mom would not be proud of me for spending money on flowers (that just die) to place on her grave one day a year if that was the only time I remembered her.. so I try my best to instill in my children the values and other things that she taught me in my short time with her. I think that is the best way to celebrate her and have memory day everyday... now on to the day..

we did have a great day it started with a clean house what could be better? then a family bike ride and then lunch and playing at Hoyt's and that is where the adventure I could almost say started and ended.. we shot BB guns and had lunch and played with cousins and shot at pigeons then as everyone was getting ready to leave Clint and I and Jordan went down to look at the baby calves (my favorite thing to do) and we went and checked on the heifers (Kyley is sad that hers won't come to her anymore) and JC decided to join us eventually and he was jumping cow pies coming down the hill and needless to say.. missed one or hit it depending on how you look at it! and came jumping to me saying...the cow poop made me fall... and he was nasty.. but I was trying not to laugh but it was funny!!(poor kid) but if you know my JC.. he is a pretty serious kid when it comes to something that should not be funny, and this was one of those things..so I quickly sent Kyley for the camera and we walked back up to grandpas with him still jumping randomly at and on the cow pies.. occasionally slipping... and splashing on me..but it was all fine in the end.. ya know what they say.."it'll all come out in the wash" and it almost did.


I gave all the boys haircuts last night 6 hair cuts take time so we ordered in Pizza.. what a great day.. Just love family days!!!