so my boys have been singing lately.. a mix of Scripture Power.. which of course I love. and then they have begun to sing...Yo Ho Yo Ho a pirates life for me.. we schwab the deck and do everything else and make the people go home...
Of course those are not the words but in thier mind they are.. LOVE it! then they say arge... and throw their hats (pirate of course) in the air.. LOL it is so fun to watch them all play together and the summer so far has not been too bad (yet)
Happy kids..
Cheesin' it for the camera...
reaching for the OUTSIDE!! He loves to be outside.. side, side, side..
and he loves loves to see the cows... so hopefully this week will be fun.. we are going to the zoo and other fun outside things... hopefully I don't go crazy!
My birthday brownies...yes I turned 34 at the beginning of the month and I got new bedding.. and I love how it makes my bedroom look!